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Bally Rehearsal Studios.
Tottenham Hale, N17. London.
Contact Us
Want to get in touch with us?
If you want to chat to us on our landline, our office phone number is 020 8808 0472.
If you would like to send us a WhatsApp message us, click below to do so, our number is 07842 191 282.
(Please note that we can accept WhatsApp calls on this number, but not phone calls. )
Feel welcome to message us at any time, and we'll try to get back to you as soon as possible. If you wish to make a booking, feel free to check our our availability calendar and message us with the day, time and studio that you wish to book, and we'll get back in touch as soon as we can.
If you want to speak to someone, the best way is by calling us on the telephone on the number below
Bally Studios Office landline Telephone: 020 8808 0472
If you don't get an immediate response, we're really sorry, please leave a message and we will definitely get back to you as soon as possible. However, don't be surprised if you get a call back from us: we have caller ID on our phone, and lots of the time we are setting up a studio, delivering a cup of tea or helping out a band. When that happens, we'll get back in touch with you as soon as we can.
You can also email us if it's not too urgent on:
and we will try our utmost to reply within 24 hours. Usually we can do it within a couple of hours.
If you need to book a session quickly, it probably isn't best to just send an e mail, as sometimes it can be so busy here with rehearsals that on rare occasions we can only check our emails every couple of days. It's always best to call or send a text message if you want to book a session.
You can also send us a message through Facebook or Twitter, but it may take a bit longer for us to reply in those cases, as we only check social media sporadically. Thanks!
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