Tottenham Does Not Need New Plans, It Needs The Current Ones To Be Implemented
by Jimmy Mulvihill
23rd March 2015
There was an interesting article over the weekend in The Guardian about the regeneration of Tottenham. However, here are some actual quotes from the article. “Great things are promised” “Those involved talk of “pulling together”, of ‘cross-party consensus’, of borough, mayor and national government transcending their traditional differences in order to get something done.”
That’s all well and good, but it is missing a basic point. As obvious as it sounds, just because there are plans for regeneration it doesn’t mean that they will happen. Here is a link to the plans for the new Spurs Football Stadium…… from 2008.
Still the work on the stadium has not started 7 years later. Here is a link to a publication from Haringey Council in 2010 outlining the redevelopment of the area, including
a) a new housing development called “Hale Waterside”, of “300 homes, 50% affordable”, which has been given a time frame of “2013-2014”. As far as we can see, they still have not even done a proper survey on the land, and we are now in 2015 (see Ref 21) b) Ashley Road Depot development, with “306 houses, 50% affordable”. A time frame of 2013-2014 is given, but a thorough Google search shows no evidence of any development on these plans. (see Ref 19) In fact, of the 26 plans outlined by the council, I can count on less than one hand the ones that have actually made any progress at all on what was proposed. 0.
So The Guardian is using the fact that there are plans for the area as a positive, but what good are plans if they never come to fruition? Plans are not going to put a roof over someone’s head, nor will plans bring the jobs that will put food on the table. Only a combination of good plans and an execution of those plans will do that, and neither of them seem to have happened. If the plans have not made any progress they must have either been flawed from the start, or they were good plans that have not been followed, and neither of them scenarios help the local people of N17. Alternatively they could be plans that were made, and then changed. In which case, plans that are going to be changed later are not plans at all: they are proposals.
